
The Riethmuller family

This is us: Gaël, Ingrid and Thomas. We currently live in Oman, which we love exploring with our 4x4, camping about anywhere and everywhere. Our little one is only 4, but he already has done a fair amount of km off road.

Our moto: boom-de-yah-da! It means "The world is just awesome". We adopted this tagline from the 2008 advertising campaign of the Discovery Channel. Have a look here if you've never seen it.

Daddy Bedu
Name: Gaël. 
Age: 35. 
Reservoir engineer in a major oil company, loves 4x4 and exploring the wilderness. He is the dreamer in the band.

Mummy Bedu
Name: Ingrid. 
Age: 36. 
PhD in Agronomy, currently working as a teacher, very adaptable, pragmatic and organised. She brings Daddy Bedu down to earth. 

Little Bedu
Name: Thomas (a.k.a Tomtom).
Age: 4.
Adrenaline junky. He loves being outdoors. A well-trained camper.

We love the whole world... and being part of it !